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Columbus State University, Columbus, GA

Please join us for the Third Annual CSU Press Reading, which is free and open to the public. I'm delighted to be reading with Ellen Birkett Morris, whose novel Beware the Tall Grass won the Donald L. Jordan Award for Literary Excellence. 

Wednesday, October 23

1304 Frank Brown Hall

(corner of 12the Street and Broadway)

7:00 PM

Georgia Center for the Book

Ellen Birkett Morris and I will be reading and in conversation on October 24 with audience Q&A to follow at the Geor­gia Cen­ter for the Book (GCB), an affil­i­ate of the Cen­ter of the Nation­al Cen­ter for the Book in the Library of Con­gress. 


Thursday, October 24

Georgia Center for the Book

Decatur Library Auditorium
215 Sycamore Street
Decatur, Georgia 30030

7:00 PM

Conversation with James Thomas Stevens at Geronimo's Books

Honored to be having a conversation with James Thomas Stevens about literature, writing, poetry, and more at Geronimo's Books. Come join the conversation!


Saturday, November 16, 4:00 PM

Geronimo's Books

3018 Cielo Ct Suite D

Santa Fe, NM 87507

Southside Library, Santa Fe, NM

Come to a conversation with me and Laura Paskus, environmental journalist extraordinaire and senior producer at NMPBS, at the Santa Fe Public Library - Southside Branch. Bring your questions and your book club and let's talk!


Wednesday, December 4, 6:00 PM

Santa Fe Public Library - Southside Branch

6599 Jaguar Dr, Santa Fe, NM 87507

COAS Books

Historic downtown Las Cruces is always worth a visit! Come to a reading and book signing at COAS Books, not too far from the Chiricahua Mountains. Looking forward to our conversation there!


Saturday, December 21, 10:00 AM

COAS Books

317 North Main St.
Las Cruces, NM 88001



Western Literature Association Conference

"How Much Can a Bag Hold?" is an essay from Mountain Time: A Field Guide to Astonishment. This essay tells the story of the two men who appeared out of the desert, hungry and thirsty, at my home in the Chiricahua Mountains on the borders of Arizona, New Mexico, and Mexico. Knowing that my neighbors were watching and that it was a felony to aid a person crossing into the country illegally, I gave them water and food. The essay recounts the history of laws from the Regan administration in 1986 to the wars on drugs waged by George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Felipe Calderón. It takes a personal look at the decisions people living on the southern border need to face when border issues presented themselves literally in their backyards. I will read an excerpt from this essayas part of a panel titeld "Voices of the Borderland."


Friday, Oct. 4 8:00 AM

El Conquistador Hotel, Sonoran Room

Tucson, AZ

Furman University and M. Judson Booksellers, Greenville, SC

Hurricane Helene caused the events scheduled at Furman University to be canceled. The public reading at M. Judson Booksellers in downtown Greenville was also canceled. Prayers and heartfelt hope for all those who lost so much to Hurricane Helene. Please find it in your heart to give what you can - time, donations, attention - to those still struggling to recover from the flooding.


Friday, September 27: Craft talks and Q&A for creative writing students at Furman University 

Monday, September 30: Public reading at M. Judson Booksellers, Greenville, SC 


SOMOS Taos reading

I will read from Mountain Time: A Field Guide to Astonishment at the SOMOS Salon in Taos, together with Canadian poet Josephine LoRe. This event is free and open to the public.

Wednesday, September 11, 5:30 PM


108 Civic Plaza Drive

Taos, NM

Travel Bug

Join me for a reading and book signing at Travel Bug on August 3 at 5:00 PM. A lively conversation sure to be part of the evening!

Saturday, August 3, 5:00 PM

Travel Bug Specialty Book Store, Coffee Shop and Taproom

839 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501


CCA Community Reading Series

Join the Center for Contemporary Arts for the June event featuring New Mexico state poet laureate Lauren Camp, prose writer Jamie Figueroa, poet Natachee Momaday Gray, and me. We will be reading in the Muñoz Waxman Gallery at 1050 Old Pecos Trail in Santa Fe at 5pm Saturday, June 1. This event is free, although there is a $5 to $10 suggested donation. The Community Reading Series is curated by former Santa Fe poet laureate Elizabeth Jacobson.


Saturday, June 1

5:00 pm


1050 Old Pecos Trail

Santa Fe, NM


Edition ONE Gallery

Renata Golden will read from Mountain Time: A FIeld Guide to Astonishment at Edition ONE Gallery

I will be reading and signing my new essay collection Mountain Time: A Field Guide to Astonishment at Edition ONE Gallery in partnership with the Santa Fe International Literary Festival. Join us Thursday, May 16 from 5:30 to 7:30 at 729 Canyon Road in Santa Fe. Bring your best questions!


Thursday, May 16, 5:30 PM

729 Canyon Road

Santa Fe, NM 

Borderlands Literature and Film Circle

BLFC presents a conversation with Renata Golden, author of Mountain Time: A Field Guide to Astonishment

May 8, 2024

10:00 AM Mountain Time


Join a Zoom call to hear Renata in conversation with Rita Cantu talking about Mountain Time: A Field Guide to Astonishment. Click this link to register: https://bca.app.neoncrm.com/eventReg.jsp?event=3658&

Friends of Newport State Park/Newport Wilderness Society

Nature writing workshop for Write On, Door County in collaboration with the Friends of Newport State Park/Newport Wilderness Society in Door County, Wisconsin. Join us to be inspired by maps of migration to write poetry, prose, or anything else you might imagine!

Tuesday, May 7

6:30 - 7:30 pm

Garcia Street Books reading

Come to Garcia Street Books in Santa Fe on Saturday, March 30 at 4:30 PM for a Mountain Time reading, conversation, and book signing.

Garcia Street Books

376 Garcia Street

Santa Fe, NM

Cline's Corner radio show

Listen in to Cline's Corner on Friday, March 22 on KSFR 101.1 FM or to the live stream at the same time on ksfr.org. Renata will join host Lynn Cline for a conversation about Mountain Time: A Field Guide to Astonishment. It is sure to be a lively discussion.

Listen to the recording.

Valle del Oro Bird Walk and Book Talk

Join me Saturday, March 16 at 2:00 PM for a conversation about Mountain Time: A Field Guide to Astonishment followed by a bird walk through the refuge. On the Rio Grande just south of Albuquerque, NM, Valle del Oro Natioanl Wildlife Refuge is home to a variety of raptors, sparrows, and other passerines. Bring your binoculars! 

Mountain Time book launch!

Excited to announce the launch of Mountain Time at Bookworks in Albuquerque as part of the Writing the Wild series in partnership with the Leopold Writing Program. The program starts at 6:00 with an introduction and then a reading from one of my essays. (Which essay would you like to hear - the one about prairie dog language? my eight-snake day? slave-making ants? Write to me and let me know!) Q&A to follow, and then a book signing and conversation. Hope to see you there!

Here are the details:


4022 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM

March 15, 2024

6:00 PM

Part of the proceeds from the event will go to support the Leopold Writing Program.

Tucson Festival of Books

Book signing at Booth #264

I will be signing copies of Mountain Time March 10 at 2:00 at the Border Community Alliance booth #264. Stop by if you're in Tucson!

AWP 2024

Hope to see you at AWP in Kansas City February 6 - 9! 

  • Thursday, Feb 8 6:00 to 7:30 PM, Kirk Family YMCA, Downtown Kansas City: Terrain.org 25th Anniversary Reading
  • Friday, Feb 9 10:00 AM, Terrain.org table, Book Fair: Book signing for Mountain Time: A Field Guide to Astonishment 
  • Friday, Feb 9 1:45 to 3:00 PM, Room 2104A: "When the Land Speaks: How We Strive to Listen for Language While Out in Nature" panel discussion with Sean Hill, CMarie Furman, and Petra Kuppers, moderated by Allen Gee. 
  • Friday, Feb 9 4:00 to 5:00 PM, UGA Press table, Book Fair: Book signing for Mountain Time: A Field Guide to Astonishment 

Live from Storyknife: June 2023

Live from Storyknife: June 20 7:00 until 8:00 pm Alaska time

AWP 2023 Conference March 8 - 11, Seattle WA

Join Allen Gee, CMarie Fuhrman, Petra Kuppers, Sean Hill, and myself for a conversation on Writing the Body as Landscape: How We See and Imagine Ourselves as Wilderness.


Thursday, March 9, 2023 12:10 p.m. to 1:25 p.m. Rooms 335-336, Summit Building, Seattle Convention Center, Level 3

Book launch for First & Wildest: The Gila Wilderness at 100 

Torrey House Press and WildEarth Guardians are launching First & Wildest: The Gila Wilderness at 100 at Garcia Street Books In Santa Fe, NM on Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 5 PM MT.  The anthology celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Gila Wilderness. The Greater Gila is one of the West's last biggest chunks of wild land with incredible potential to benefit the human spirit. Publication date is April 26, 2022.


It is my pleasure to invite you to join editor Elizabeth Hightower Allen, WildEarth Guardians, and my fellow anthology contributors for a reading and conversation.


Birds of the Chiricahua Mountains

Santa Fe, NM Wednesday, 14 April 2021 7:00 PM MDT Sangre de Cristo Audubon Society


Renata Golden will talk about the birds of southeastern Arizona's Chiricahua Mountains and the best places to see them. In addition to Cave Creek Canyon, learn about lesser-known spots such as Horseshoe, Sulphur, and Whitetail Canyons. She will also share information on the results of Christmas Bird Counts in the Chiricahuas over the last 20 years.


Come hear Renata share insider tips on birding in the Chiricahua Mountains in southeastern Arizona, the subject of her next book - an essay collection on the critters who call the Chiricahuas home. 


September 29, 2018

"Unmasked: Women Write About Sex and Intimacy After Fifty" reading and book signing